Saturday, January 07, 2012


Living in such a mild climate as Vancouver has, I try to remain as grateful as I can that we're not freezing all the time in 40 below zero like much of Canada is at this time of year. But try as I might, after months of rain, drizzle and darkness, I find myself feeling a little blue.  I don't think I'm alone in this, so today I'm bringing a little cheer from the rainbows in my home. I thought that by photographing them and gathering them in the blog I could capture some of the sunny thoughts they bring by gazing at them. All my life I've had a strong, joyful reaction to rainbow colors laid out in the right order of the light spectrum. I thought I'd outgrow this as a childish fancy, but I never have which leads me to wonder if it's an evolutionary disposition to want to see those colors since they represent light and we need sunlight to live.
    Hope it brings some cheer to your rainy day.
If our family were felted gnomes we'd look like this.

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